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Make concerted efforts to advance hand in hand

发布者:四川省宜宾惠美线业有限责任公司 来源: 发布时间: 2021-05-18 00:00:00
At 10:30 on May 25, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Huimei Health, Chengdu Quantum Beauty and Chongqing Fengcheng Paper Co., Ltd. was held in Conference Room 2. Su Youfu, the chairman of Quantum Beauty, Huang Zheng, the chairman of Health, and Su Desheng, the chairman of Fengcheng, formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement on behalf of the enterprise, marking the in-depth promotion of tripartite cooperation and win-win cooperation. Tang Jinzhong, secretary of the Party Committee of Xinya, Liu Liangzhong, member of the Party Committee, Duan Taigang, and Qu Jidan, assistant general manager of Xinya attended the meeting to jointly witness the signing ceremony.

At the signing exchange meeting, President of Quantum Meisu stressed that the purpose of this cooperation is to integrate the resource advantages of both parties, organically integrate the production hardware facilities of Health, the online and offline sales channels of Quantum Meisu, and the years of industry experience of Fengcheng, and create a fast and efficient whole process marketing system from the factory to the customer.

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